
Yoga of Patanjali AshtangaYoga

Rehab Yoga St Jude's

Yoga of Patanjali AshtangaYoga

Dispassion is born out of two ways->

Yoga Way of Life

Then think of these three options for reference.

Swadhya: Self-Practice and Discipline

Verse 55-72 answer of qualities of great Spiritual Person like.


Yoga of Patanjali AshtangaYoga

We all struggle to lead peaceful content lives. As the ancient saying goes, As long as our mind is in pieces and the pieces are in ceaseless, mutual conflict, peace eludes us.

As soon as one looks at the mind as a whole by placing these pieces together (integration) then only can one get Peace of Kaivalya or Liberation which is the ultimate goal of Life.

We can experience real Joy in the Heart (Atmaananda) when we look at ourselves by way of Integration of your five senseswhich gives insight for the Self , which is easy to achieve and implement in our day-to-day life.

Patanjali was one of the eminent ancient Sages who identified these pieces of the mind, which most, many archive instead of peace. He termed those as Vruttis .which are never-subsiding and are always arising.

Vruttis need to be?

  1. Controlled
  2. Suppressed
  3. Eliminated

By the right kind of training and discipline which can be achieved through Dispassion (Vairagya ) and Sadhana, this can easily be obtained.

Dispassion is born out of two ways->

Yoga is a word derived from the Sanskrit word Yuj (To yoke, to get Samadhi or perfect concentration ) – Union of Individual self with Higher Self!

Yoga – A Way of Life

Kriya Yoga: Yoga of Action

We all are well aware inside that Spiritual practice is our First Preference…

Patanjala Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita Explains it well in terms of:

Our true nature is being Active!

Now this activeness can manifest in the forms of the following:

Once we know and get aware of this constant Activeness within us we start questioning –

How to channel this activeness within us to right channel?

The Foremost thing is to Start Where you are NOW!

Then think of these three options for reference:

  1. Austerity : Tapas
  2. Self-Study and Discipline : Swadhya
  3. Faith : Ishvar Pranidhana
  4. Our Mind and Senses: Action and Perception:
  5. Are trained for Higher, Transcendental, and Spiritual Action.
  6. Otherwise we just become Creatures!
  7. Then our Destiny is created by our Senses!
  8. Sage Vyasa said, “When we practice Penance, Self –restraint, Saying No to Mind in a good and positive way –that is the beginning of Spiritual Life!”
  9. This should not be done by causing Fatigue to mind or by Rebelling!
  10. When our mind is not ready for Physical or Mental Asceticism it causes more reaction!
  11. SILENCE :
    1. It helps mind to reduce turbulence
    2. Create feeling of Peace
    3. Tranquility of Mind

Swadhya: Self-Practice and Discipline:

  • Swadhya can also be Contemplation and Concentration with Chant or Prayer
  • Self-study should be directed for a Purpose – Physico-social
  • There is an old classic example of Swans used in India often- Which explains when we give milk and water mixed to the Swan they can only drink milk and exclude the water, same way when we are focused we can drink true nectar!
  • Our life is short! There are immeasurable books, literature, ideas and resources available and when one keeps on browsing these things over and over rather than understand and implement something simple can bring in lot of conflicting ideas in our mind..
  • We need to reemerge!
  • Our mind is usually ok when it is in contact with the External World.. Mind is only affected when it is withdrawing!
  • That’s why the Discerning Mind is Important!
  • This can be done effectively by using a Mental and Psychological filter in our Mind! Learning by, “Accepting what helps us in our Lives!”
  • Can be simply defined as surrendering to Transcendental Reality!
  • Self-Surrender!
  • For some Surrender also means surrender to God within… this idea of seeing the God within gives some sense of security within as per the old saying goes – “Who dwells in God or surrenders to God Attains!”
  • There are many ideas about surrender in Narada Bhakti Sutras and many other scriptures.

How to add Spiritual Dimension to our life?

Giving spiritual dimension to every moment we live is called as Kriya Yoga or Yoga of Action!

  • Kriya Yoga defines Activities people do for Spirituality like.
    1. Penance
    2. Vows
    3. Self-discipline
    4. Ascetic Practices
  • These are done without disturbing tranquility
  • By only choosing what makes sense at that time


Verse 55-72 answer of qualities of great Spiritual Person like.

    1. Fearless
    2. Lack of External Worries
    3. Happy within
    4. Unaffected by his outside
    5. Omnipresent
    6. Inner Poise
    7. Balance
    8. Peace and Harmony within
    9. Contentment etc.. just to name a few..

    Shankaracharya : says, “ How can we benefit by reading and understanding Normal Natural Qualities?! “

    Natural qualities becomes path for us to reach that Goal!

    Now we might ask normal question?

    How it relates to a Working person like me???

    OUR OWN EFFORT can attain Great Spiritual characteristics!

    1. Do well what you do now
    2. Control over what you do
    3. Practice more: that makes you perfect!
    4. Everyone can start!!!


Many texts explains these:

When we falter either:

  1. Internally
  2. Externally

How to Practice Kriya Yoga in light of above..

  • Bhagvad Gita Chapter 2nd Verse 54 gives description or Vivarana of the same.. “ Who is enlightened?” ( Also by Shankaracharya)
  • Arjuna asks the same question little differently : ( Bhagvad Gita 2nd Chapter 4th Verse) He asks – “ How an enlightened person should :
    1. Act
    2. Seat
    3. Talk
    4. Move