
Meditation is the Science and Art of doing nothing.
One can enjoy the serenity and joy of meditation only when theirVruttis (traits of the mind) are controlled.
The diffused rays of the sun, when gathered together to a point by using a convex lens, can start a devastating fire. Similarly, when thoughts of the mind, which are normally diffused or confused when are gathered together and concentrated, can give us Knowledge and Power.
Secondly, when the river is flowing wildly, it is very difficult to utilize her water or have a control over her. But construction of the dam makes it serene and one can use the water in a proper way as per required. Same symbol is applicable to our mind. When our thoughts are wild it is difficult to act efficiently but reverse is the case when you have a good control on your mind.
This is a very arduous process, which is –
- Learnt from the Maestro.
- Practiced assiduously.As per Yogasutras of Patanjali the goal of our life is to achieve a state of Kaivalya orLiberation.
Patanjali’s approach is more practical than just mere philosophy, where mind is considered as the chief component.
To control our mind, he says, work has to be done on three levels –* Mind’s Composition (Triguni – Prakriti)
* Modification in its function. (Vruttis)
* Control over its functions.Swami Vivekanada gives a very beautiful example. He compares our mind with a lake filled with water. He says when the water in the lake is calm and steady then –
- One can see ones own reflection on the surface of the water.
- Same time one can see a stone lying at the bottom.
But when the water is disturbed both the above things are not possible. Same way, when mind is polluted by Vruttis it results into big chaos and confusion.
The ideal aim of Meditation is to achieve a state where you are in tune with yourself. Your mind is just like a calm and peaceful lake. There is no partition between your inner and outer mind. They both become the same.
So, living in a yogic way helps us to control and eliminate our Vruttis. This helps us in developing a true vision and an insight for oneself. This unfolds the spirit behind our Mind and our Personality.Though there are many types of Vruttis. For the convenience of understanding they are grouped as only five.
Both man and woman can cleanse their body with the help of the Asana. By observing the proper practice of Yoga asana and following all the eight limbs of yoga, even an old man can attain the energy and vigor of youth.
Though there are many types of Vruttis. For the convenience of understanding they are grouped as only five.
- True Cognition. (Pramana)
- False Cognition. (Viparyaya)
- Verbal Cognition. (Vikalpa)
- Deep Sleep. (Nidra)
- Memory. (Smruti)
This is further classified as –
- Direct Perception (Pratyaksha Smruti)
- Inference (Anumana)
- Verbal Testimony (Agama)
This is further classified as
- Wrong knowledge
- Doubts
- Uncertain cognition.
Arises by hearing a word, which has no corresponding reality.
Because it produces past experiences, all other cognitive functions are grouped under this.
Mind is composed of Three Gunas (Triguni – Prakruti)
- Satwa
- Raja
- TamaThese normally function in the form of Vruttis.
Secret of Successful Meditation:
*Repeated Practice (Abhyasa) *Dispassion (Vairagya) The above are the age-old tools which help us to achieve the highest ultimatum in Life. Meditation helps us to be out of frame of time and space