Stress is becoming a key word in our day-to-day life. A certain amount of stress is necessary and even a beneficial element for our lives.To simplify it we can say Stress has two faces:
Among the above with positive stress can do wonders in life only if it dealt properly and rationally.
For example- while crossing the road if you see a vehicle roaring towards you you surely know that is not the moment to be cool! Calm !! and relaxed!!!
That is the moment to run away as early as you can.
Reversely, an example of negative stress can be -you fight with your friend or spouse which will result in suffering from headaches.
There are a variety of methods that are used worldwide for counteracting stress such as Massage, yoga, Music or other creative Arts, Hypnosis, Aromatherapy, and Bach Flower therapy to just name a few.
Like all other things in life, relaxation can be learned. To relax you won’t require any special or sophisticated set-up except presence of your mind in the moment.
Few people who think they can ” never relax! ” will also find it easy if they are develop an insight for the self and do conscious efforts.
0600 - 1800 hrs
0600 - 1800 hrs
0600 - 1800 hrs
We at YOGA NATURE provide various services to the nature of the clients. Wish how you would like to spend the time here we can talk and come to a conclusion.
Phasellus et nisl tellus. Etiam facilisis eu nisi scelerisque faucibus. Proin semper suscipit magna, nec imperdiet lacus semper vitae. Sed hendrerit enim non justo posuere placerat eget purus mauris. Etiam facilisis eu nisi scelerisque faucibus. Proin semper suscipit magna, nec imperdiet lacus semper.
0600 - 1800 Hours
0600 - 0900 hrs
Will be Holidays
We at YOGA NATURE provide various services to the nature of the clients. Wish how you would like to spend the time here we can talk and come to a conclusion.
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