If we were to open hair salons in every square mile of every town and city across the world, making hair cuts affordable and accessible to all, this would never stop the process of hair growth.
Similarly, however swift and advanced medical science and modern technology become, we cannot halt the progression of prevalent and upcoming diseases, the likes of which make it near impossible for any human being to lead a healthy, peaceful existence. With so much money funneled into studies and research, better technology and the development of new medicines, we are no closer to eradicating diseases now than we were centuries before. The fact is though that the number and variations of these diseases is increasing at an alarming rate and considerable amounts are Iatrogenic diseases (due to human error). Whatever medicines are available today become worthless tomorrow. As the saying goes,
Today’s sense becomes tomorrow’s nonsense.
Irrespective of the growing number of physicians, hospitals and health- care providers, more and more people fall sick every year. We are clearly seeing the trappings of our own makings. With the aim of getting a victory over Nature, human beings are committing grave and unforgivable mistakes. We have a large populous of uneducated and illiterate people, millions lack the basic necessities of food, shelter and good drinking water. We have poor hygiene, unprecedented levels of pollution in the air we breathe and false beliefs, not to mention all that we are willing to sacrifice environmentally for the sake of money and power. It is not surprising to be witnessing such an upsurge of new and old diseases.
We are living more complicated lives and less natural ones at that. We are also relinquishing our previous understandings, which so many generations and cultures before us have known inherently: that we are part of Nature, and whatsoever ails us can be cured by Her gifts alone. For example, wherever there is an area with poisonous snakes, it is known that anti- venom will be found in the same location. Or, if you are climbing a mountain and come across injury, you can be sure that a cure is growing in the nearby vegetation. (e.g. Arnica – Montana). As far as looking or hunting for an effective and easy-to-apply medical system based on the laws of Nature, Homoeopathy ranks first.
Homeopathy is a Holistic, Scientific, and Time-tested System of Medicine. It was invented by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 17th century. He was born on the 10th of April, 1755 in Meissen, Germany.
His father was a painter. He came from a poor economic background and struggled a lot in his younger days, but he was quite motivated and finished his MD at Erlangen University. He became an Allopathic physician, yet was soon disillusioned by Modern Medicine’s limitations and the common practices at the time, like bloodletting. After finishing his post-graduation, his thirst for knowledge could not be quenched. He studied a vast number of subjects and served in various positions. He was often the brunt of criticism from his peers and often had very little to eat or to support his family with but he was never swayed from his main goal.
One day, while translating Materia Medica by Dr. Cullen one strange thing struck his mind.
There was mention that the disease named as Ague Fever (malaria) could be cured by the use of cinchona bark, because of its bitter taste. Dr. Hahnemann could not readily accept this analysis. But his curiosity was piqued. So, he, himself, extracted this cinchona bark and drank it. After drinking this concoction, he was surprised to discover symptoms in himself likening those of Ague Fever. This experiment left footprints in the history of Medicine, as we know it today and in particular to the development of Homoeopathy. This experiment is known as The Golden Experiment of Cinchona. (1790) From here onwards, a new era began in the history of medicine.
After the insight he gained from the Cinchona experiment, Dr. Hahnemann tried various herbs and minerals using himself as the guinea pig. He then gathered together all of his symptoms and published them in 2 volumes of Materia Medica Pura, documenting these provings. Dr. Hahnemann faced quite a bit of criticism from peers and colleagues but was not discouraged and continued his research.
Dr. Kent and Dr. Nash and many others after him also made the shift – over from Allopathic to Homeopathic medicine and made significant contributions to the development of this system.
It seems there are two types of people that are drawn to Homoeopathy.
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